Bottleneck Blues Band trio is at The Ship Tavern in Multnomah 8-11. Great little club with a great atmosphere.
Category: Uncategorized
Oct 5th
Bottleneck Blues Band will be in Silverton 7-10pm at The High Water Grill. We are outside for the Silverton Sidewalk Shindig. This is a great family friendly event.
Sept 28th
Bottleneck Blues Band Trio will be at McMenamins Edgefield winery 7-9pm
Sept 21st
Will be at Northwood Brewery in Battleground with Bottleneck Blues Band Trio. 6:30-8:30pm all ages and really good food and great people.
Sept 20th
Bottleneck Blues Band will be back at The Wild Hare in Oregon City. Great food and beverages, we play 8-10:30pm.
Today’s episode
What an interesting day. My brother and his family are in town and we went to Seaside and Cannon Beach today at 9:45am, we were planning on stopping at Spririt’sContinue readingToday’s episode
Sept 7th
Bottleneck Blues Band will be back at The Blue Diamond 8-11pm
August 30th
Bottleneck Blues Band will be playing a free outdoor concert for the Portland parks and recreation 6:30-8:30pm COLUMBIA PARK SE PORTLAND, OREGON
August 23rd
Bottleneck Blues Band will be back at The Wild Hare in Oregon City 8-10:30pm
August 17th
Bottleneck Blues Band will be appearing at The Peninsula Blues Festival 6-7:45pm Port of Peninsula 3311 275th Street Ocean Park, WA 98640 at Nahcotta Boat Basin